นำแสดงโดย : เหวินเจ้าหลุน - หลีเหม่ยเสียน - เส้าเหม่ยฉี - เจินเจียง - หลอเลอหลิน
เนื้อเรื่องย่อ (Synopsis) :
Just like the pace of Hong Kong, this story flows at a steady and fast speed. The full version of this series is 40 episodes. I don't know if TVB cut down some scenes to fit on their official VCD release. It's not a short drama, but the script writer managed to keep it very entertaining to watch. I was hooked on it starting with the very first episode. The main plot centers around the battle between Kiu Jing and Ding Bong, and Hou Nam's inner struggle. Other than that, there are lots of subplots that keep the story flowing at a steady speed. Very typical of HK dramas in the 80's/early 90's is lots of death and tragedies in the end. I actually did a count of tragedies -- 9 of the 17 main characters above end in tragic death, incurable illness, escaping to spiritual life, or insanity.